Which comes first, dependency or trust? Our verse indicates that trust does. The mind that is dependent on God has first come to trust Him. You would never want to depend on someone that you didn't completely trust, would you?
What a perfect relationship God offers us...He tells us to trust Him and He gives us every reason to do so. He has provided us with every good and perfect gift, He has assured us of His everlasting care, and He has shown us how completely He loves us by sending His Son to bring us His gift of eternal life. We have no reason not to trust God. Why is it then that we are hesitant to do so? Why is it that we fear if we become completely dependent on Him that He will not give us lives that will far exceed the ones that we could plan for ourselves?
Why? Because as much as God wants our minds to trust in Him and to become dependent on His goodness, Satan wants the opposite. Satan wants us to continually doubt God's goodness and His love for us. Just as he told Eve in the garden, he still whispers in our ears today, "Did God really say..." planting the seeds of mistrust of God and twisting our minds to start viewing God's absolute good intentions for us into restrictive limitations.
God calls out to us to keep our trust in Him, to shut our minds off to the voice of the deceiver, and to completely and absolutely rely and depend on His goodness and His love for us.
Romans 6:8 tells us, "the mind controlled by the Spirit brings life and peace." We have a choice - we choose to trust and depend on God, or we choose to rely on self. I know what God has planned for me: life, peace and eternity with Him. Can I provide that for myself? Can anything in this world provide that for me?
Don't be deceived...only God can provide what He has promised for His children. Trust Him, depend on Him, let Him keep your mind in His perfect peace.