Wednesday, March 6, 2013

OK - I can't honestly say what day, or what week we're in, but I know where I am!

Excuse me, again, for taking a "time out" from blogging.  It is hard to write about what I have been going through.  I think when I last wrote on Psalm 23:4, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil", I was stopped.  For I knew that's exactly where I was.  I have been in the dark valley of fear and doubt, the valley where Satan loves to try to convince us that we are alone.  But through the use of Scripture, prayer and battling in my mind as to what I know to be true, even when my feelings told me otherwise, I am coming through this valley, and I am coming through knowing that my God has walked beside me every step, every moment.  I am walking up out of the valley, feeling God's right hand grasping mine, pulling me up to the next step.  I'm becoming excited about what God is getting ready to show to me, asking Him to not let me stay where I have been, or even where I was before, to pull me up to a new place, a new vista, to see things that He is now ready to share with me that I was not ready for before.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.

When you are gripped by fear, remember that you are not alone.  Remember the true words of our Father...go back and see His words of love throughout the Bible.  Read how many times He was ready to forgive...Abraham, Jacob, David, and so many subsequent kings of Israel & Judah, kings who did evil in His sight, but turned and repented and were forgiven, because of His mercy and love.  Read of Jesus' compassion for all people and know that, through the blood of Jesus, you are His beloved.

We are living in exciting, but yet troubling times.  Our world is facing unusual threats from multiple fronts---conflict, the economy, weather phenomena, and now asteroids!  It is time to get serious about our faith!  If you have thought before, "some day I will dig in and give all my life to Christ", I would urge you to make today that day.  Our world needs committed Christians, looking to God for every decision; allowing Him to lead us and to keep us from evil.  We need to ask for stronger faiths, for more resilience to temptation, for wholehearted devotion to His purpose, and for the ability to see where He is asking us to serve.  I am asking for those things.  Pray with me - turn with me - repent with me - and serve Him with me.