Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 6 - Week 1 - Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

What do you say on a day like today?  A day when many people in our very community, our immediate area, lost their homes to crazy and uncontrollable wildfires?  What do you say in the light of the fact that we are trying to soak in the knowledge of God's creation and His hand in all of creation?  Truth is, I don't know what you say.  I don't know why these horrific things happen, why creation turns on us with natural disasters that have incredibly devastatating results.  I'm not theologically wise enough (I'm not sure anyone is) to know if God causes, if God allows, or if God isn't involved at all. (I just throw in that last option because I know there are highly studied people of religion who hold to the belief that God has set the universe in motion and now, stands back, allowing man to make of it what we will. Personally, I hold that view as worthless to me---I need to know that God is always at work, just as Jesus confirmed in John 5:16.) 

All I can know is that God knows and that God  cares ---He knows those who are suffering, those whose hearts are broken and those that may be at just the point in their life where they are willing and ready to feel His embrace.  Psalm 34:18 tell us that "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." I pray for all those hurting tonight --- all those who have lost homes --- and I pray that someone is there, ready to share with them the love of God.  Either through a hug, a hand of help or a prayer shared.  I pray that I will show God's compassion and love to all those who need it this week.  I am so thankful that no lives have been lost.

I hear that the Salvation Army and the Downtown Women's Center are both gathering goods.  Be generous --- share God's love.  But most importantly, be ready to share the hope that is within you so that others may have hope of a better day. 

1 comment:

donna said...

I'm not sure why devastating weather/storms - and results of such happen. The wind was so terribly high yesterday. What caused the fires? Man? All across the nation and around the world, such horrible storms are happening. Does Satan have a hand in such things as he does with our own hearts. Randomly occurring? God's love must be shared during times like this. We do not understand all of the reasons why things (storms, death of young and vibrant people) happen. A friend told me she believes when we die and go to heaven, then we will understand. I believe that god is in control of the believer's heart. I will pray today for those affected by the fires. In the bible there are accounts of God's fury and the storms he caused for his own reasons. Jona, Noah and the flood that wiped out all mankind. I love God and know he comforts the weak and brokenhearted. Praise God and his love. We must give and love and help others. Strange things happen in our lives here on earth. We must continue to love God and pray for his comforting hand to touch all those in pain, for whatever the reason may be.