Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 2 - Week 7 - Romans 5:8 "But God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us."

Robert P. Morgan says, "The word but is a conjunction that implies a sudden change of direction in the thought.  And when we see this word in the Bible, it's important to understand every word that follows it, especially if the phrase is but God..."

I agree, but (there it is again!) I also think to understand the change in direction, you have to look at the words preceding.  In the case of this week's verse, let's look at Romans 7-8, "For rarely will someone die for a just person---though for a good person perhaps someone might even dare to die.  But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!"

The sudden change of thought is men's thinking, it is very rare that anyone will die for another, although for a really good person, someone might give their life.  But....change of direction of thought....God gave Christ's life for us when we weren't even close to being good.  We can't wrap our human minds around the thought of giving a perfect life to save lives that are so very far from imperfect.  Another example of how God's thoughts are beyond ours.

God does things so differently than we would, doesn't He?  And He does them at different times than we would.  The Bible is full of  "but God..." examples.  And our lives are full of "but God..." examples as well.

Abraham did not see how he would have a son, "but God...." did.   Joseph's brothers thought they had ridded themselves of a bothersome brother, "but God.." had other plans. The Israelites did not see how they would conquer their enemies, "but God..." did. 

Looking at my life, I didn't see a bright future when I was a young divorced mother of two, "but God..." saw a future of stability, and brought into my life a man that I have now loved for 24 years; we have built a solid marriage, and have shown our children that marriages can work with faith and commitment.

No matter what your situation may be right now, however you see it, there may be a "but God..." view that you cannot see right now, but that He is working together for your future.  

If God would give His Son's life for us while we were still sinners, do not doubt that He will work on your behalf when you put your faith and trust in Him.  He did that to prove His love for us...why is it so hard for us then to trust that love and place our lives in submission to His will, His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2 states, "Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." 

Read how The Message puts this, "Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

We may be disappointed with our current Christian maturity, "but God..." is ready to develop us, to bring out the best in us, and to mature us into the fullness of His potential for us.  Let's let Him!   

1 comment:

donna said...

I pray for God to develop me and to mature me and to bring out the best in me. God sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins. God's pure Love brings us out of sin and into eternal life. There is no life without sin here on earth. Yet God loves everyone and he has plans of eternal life for everyone who believes.