Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 7 - Week 21 - John 14:1 "Your heart must not be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me."

In Beth Moore's study, "Believing God", she makes a special point in stressing the importance of not only believing IN God, but simply BELIEVING Him - everything He says, everything He has done and everything He will do.

But in Jesus command (yes, it is worded as a command)to us, He specifically states, "Believe IN God....believe IN me."

When we believe IN someone, we have complete confidence in them---no doubt about their ability, capability or trustworthiness. That's what we're told to do...are we actively believing in our God?

Are we continually confident of God's ability, capability and trustworthiness to carry us through every aspect of this life and then into the next? If so, the natural consequence of such confidence will be a heart that is anything but troubled.

That's the kind of heart I want! One that causes the life surrounding it to reflect the peace that is contained within...a peace that truly surpasses human understanding.

1 comment:

donna said...

I believe God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. I believe the teachings of Jesus and The Word of God in the Bible. I do believe and I do receive comfort. I have Faith in Christ. I believe and have faith in the eternal life with God. Our eternal life with Christ will set us completely free of pain and sorrow and sin. I am confident in God's Love and the life he has prepared for me. My faith provides me confidence and peace. God's Will "will" prevail and I am thankful.