Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 3 - Week 30 - Psalm 100:4 "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him and praise His name!"

I'm giving thanks to God tonight for what some people call a "God-wink" - just the most wonderful little moments when you just know God is smiling when you recognize some small thing that He has just done for you. 

Tonight I fixed a bigger dinner than usual because two of our grandchildren are staying with us for a few days.  I made pork chops, gravy, potatoes, green beans...the works!  Later, when I was cleaning up the kitchen, and feeling a little tired, I, for some reason, started singing an old song that doesn't usually come to mind, but that I love - "His Eye is on the Sparrow."  You can't sing that song and not get a smile on your face and a warmth in your heart when you remind yourself of how attentive God is to His children.  "Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come?  Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home?  When Jesus is my portion, my constant friend is He.  His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!  I sing because I'm happy - I sing because I'm free!" 

Well, that was nice, but then when I got ready to get into bed and do my "laptop work" (yes, that's probably a horrible habit to get into!), I decided tonight, for probably the first time in six months, to plug my iPod into my ears and let a little music flow through my weary soul! Well, lo and behold, I hear the sweet Jimmy Durante sing back to me, "I sing because I'm happy - I sing because I'm free!"  How about that?  It was just like I heard God say to me, "Yes, I heard you...and I loved hearing you sing your praises to me!  Thank you for bringing your praises into my courts."

Praising God is good for us and asserts in our hearts the glory and wonder of God, but I do believe that God loves to hear His children praising His name with joyous hearts!

We have SO much to sing to God about---don't let your voice get rusty by not just belting it out sometimes---whatever style you prefer, S-I-N-G to the Lord!!  There are so many great hymns of the past and there are so many great contemporary Christian songs that present our praises to our Lord.  Lose yourself in some times of praise...glorify Him for all He has done!

And if you've never heard Jimmy Durante sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow" it is definitely worth a buy on your iTunes...I guarantee you'll be smiling by the time it's through, and I just bet you'll be singing!

1 comment:

donna said...

It is great to hear you were singing, "actually singing", God's Praises. I have kept the song, "Victory in Jesus" in my heart and mind this week. It was fun and uplifting singing to God on Tuesday night. There are some wonderful hymns that, when I sing them, I always get teary eyed. I like to feel that emotion and feel God's Spirit. It does the heart good and it pleases God when we sing our praise for His Wonderful Glory.