Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 7 - Week 33 - Matthew 6:33 "But seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

I've loved this week's verse.  It's been one of those weeks when I feel like I have looked at God's Word differently than I previously have and I've gained insight and understanding.  I love it when you really know you've been enlightened by the Holy Spirit and you can feel His growing glow within your being. 

I like the way Robert J. Morgan summarizes the intent of this verse,
If we take care of things that are important to God, He'll take care of things that are important to us.
That's a pretty simple explanation, isn't it?

He also includes a beautiful story of Rosalind Goforth, author of How I Know God Answers Prayer, and a missonary to China.  Here is her story as Morgan relays it:
Easter Sunday came one year during a warm springtime, and everyone had put away their winter clothes.  Rosalind had no Easter dress, and she decded she'd rather stay home than wear her winter garb.  Going to her room, she opened her Biible, and her eyes rested on Matthew 6:33.  "It was as if God spoke the words directly to me," she said.  Why worry about your clothes?  Seek first His kingdom.  She put on her old dress and fought off a feeling of humiliaton as she went to church.  The Easter message touchd her deeply; and the next day a box arrived form a distant aunt, containing not only new dresses but many other things as well.
Does this mean that when we are obedient we'll get everythng we ask for or want?  You know it doesn't...but it does mean that when we are obedient and seeking God's will and authority in our life, we will be blessed...some times in just the way we have asked and some times in ways we never would imagine, but that far surpass our desires.

God loves us --- if we will just get that through our thick heads and hearts and rely on His goodness, we will have no problem trusting in His provision for us.  After all, His eyes are on the sparrow...and I know He watches me!

1 comment:

donna said...

I agree, this has been a good scripture this week. If we seek God - His kingdom and Righteousness will be added to us. I have felt God's kingdom and righteousness in my heart this week. I have been filled with the appreciation of His existence living in me. I go about my days focusing and loving God. My pain from the sins of this world seem less painful and more doable and accomplishable. He is able to restore me - my broken heart. I am thankful for His Power and Glory - He lightens and enlightens my heart.