Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 4 - Week 38 - Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."

How many people do you think would know who Billy Zeoli was talking about when he was quoted as saying, "Every morning, he walked into the Oval Office he quoted Proverbs 3:5-6.  That's how he started his day."

First, you're probably asking, "who is Billy Zeoli?"  When you see the picture at the bottom of today's blog and read the caption, you'll get the answer to both questions. 

I hope and pray that every President of the United States would always be as humble as this one who daily acknowledged his need for God's wisdom above everything else.   Can't you imagine the overwhelming desire on a President's part to be given Godly wisdom and guidance in their decisions?  Knowing that each choice you make could possibly have life or death consequences for people in various places all over the world, it seems would drive anyone to their knees on an almost hourly basis to seek God's blessing on their plans.

But when we stop to think about it, everyone of us are often put in decision-making positions that will have consequences for us and for others.  And how often do we drop to our knees and ask God for His guidance and blessing over our decisions?  Every choice made by every person can make significant differences in their own and other peoples' lives and should only be made after bringing the situation before God and asking for His perspective and insight to be given.

It is easy to think that someone in an important or powerful position has more important decisions to make than you and I do; their decisions may affect more people, but our decisions may have just as profound an effect on a smaller group of people..and very often have life-altering effects on our lives---decisions made that alter the course of the rest of our life here on earth.

Don't dismiss any area of your life as unimportant or too insignificant to bring before God---He says to acknowledge Him in all our ways, there is not even a thought process that He does not want to be a part of, just as Paul exhorts us in 2 Corinthians 10:5, that we are to "take every thought captive in obedience to Christ."

OK - here's the picture...did anyone guess?  I am glad to know this about President Gerald Ford.  He came into the Presidency through an unprecedented route, and it encourages me to know that he asked for God's wisdom each day as he led a nation going through times never before experienced.  I pray that I will do the same as I lead my life in the days ahead.

U.S. President Gerald Ford and Billy Zeoli bow their heads at a National Religious Broadcasters Annual Congressional Breakfast in 1975. Zeoli served as an informal chaplain in the Ford White House.

1 comment:

donna said...

It is comforting to know our leaders are making decisions with their acknowledgment that God is leading them. We are a Christian nation with religious freedoms. The paths we follow are lead by God. I want to achieve "every thought captive in obedience to God". God knows my heart, I have asked him to lead me where He wants me to go.