Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 5 - Week 37 - 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Life is full of opportunities, isn't it?  So many opportunities to achieve and to fail.  When we move forward we can feel so proud, so good that hard work has paid off, and that we have finally achieved a goal that has long been awaited.

But when we fail...we can really do a number on ourselves, can't we?  We can replay the failure over and over again in our mind, thinking of all the things we could have done differently, the steps that we missed along the way that would have made a difference, and we regret the things that will never be because we fell short, screwed up, or just plain failed.

But God, our good God, doesn't want us wallowing in the muck of failure when we fall short in His eyes. What He says when we sin is, "Confess it and get over it."  When we do things that in times of self-examination and review we understand are contrary to God's laws or when the Holy Spirit convicts us of areas of our life where we've been ignoring God's will for us, then I think that God's plan for us is to admit it, acknowledge that He is faithful to forgive, and then quit wasting any more time reliving the mistake and, instead, start growing in the ways that He is ready to show us.

How much time is needlessly spent looking backwards when God has already cleansed us of all of "that" and is ready to grow us up into people that every day more closely reflect the image of His Son. 

God is faithful and just to forgive.  Trust His promise.  He is so good to His children.

1 comment:

donna said...

I have spent so much time looking back at my failures, the bad choices I made. As I am growing in my relationship with God, I know He has forgiven me and those past sins are retreating back into the recesses of my mind. It is hard to forgive myself, but I am learning to allow God to take away my fears and my doubts. I feel liberated and free from my sins. I know God is watching over me and guiding me "deeper still" in my love for Him. God is good and He is comforting my soul. I feel His forgiveness.