Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 6 - Week 43 - Lamentations 3:40 "Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.'

I have gotten all wrapped up (literally!) in getting ready for Christmas --- thus, the lack of blogs this week!  I have wrapped and baked and shopped...and the irony of it all is that while missing blogging time on this week's verse, I actually very much need to examine my ways and test them.  Are all the things that are demanding so much of my time in this very special season things that God is directing me to, or are they the demands of others' expectations and my perceived "have to" list that I must accomplish in order for Christmas to be "just right" for my family? 

Could it be that the "just right" Christmas that God is directing me to, and the one that I may be very close to missing, is one where I am calm and peaceful, ready to share a moment with a friend who needs to chat, and where I welcome my family, my children, my grandchildren, into a home that is filled not so much with the perfect food, gifts and Christmas decor, but rather with honest and sincere warmth, care and concern.

I am praying that I can be the "perfect" hostess not by achievement of Martha Stewart-ish cleverness, but by exhibiting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  The perfection achieved only by relinqushment of my aspirations to those of the Holy Spirit of God, allowing Him to turn my anxiety into His completeness, and then recognizing the contentment and fulfillment in a Christmas that may not look like perfection, but one in which my heart will feel His perfection at work, accomplishing so many, much more important things than I would have ever have been able to "cook up"!

So this is my challenge to myself and to you - examine your Christmas ways and test them, and wholeheartedly return to the Lord in a complete celebration of what the coming of the Christ child means in your life...don't miss the perfect Christmas that God has waiting for you!

(Oh - and just to clarify - that is not a picture of my Christmas tree in my ever-not-so-perfect home!  This would be a picture of a perfect Christmas tree, in a perfect home, one I will probably never achieve, but the goal will probably always taunt me....but then again...I think I may be slowly learning to be content with less than that aggravating picture of perfection!)


donna said...

God gave us so many gifts. Of course, the greatest gift of all, Christ Jesus. He gives to us each day. Gifts of love, assurance, prayer and love. I think that is what we try to do at Christmas - give to our children and grandchildren. I love buying something that I know my kids will love and need. I like to give gifts that they need and a little something "extra", something special. Christ gives us gifts that we need. We do need to remain in prayer and asking God to be close to us this time if year, and not letting us get "too carried away" in all of the hustle and bustle of this wonderful time of year. Seeing the excitement in children and
feeling the appreciation of our adult children. Yes, we are busier this time of year, but it is because of love. I Love this time of year. The decorations are so
beautiful. Christ Jesus is so beautiful. Doing "extra" - God does a lot of "extra" for

This time of year brings back so many memories of my childhood. How in the world did my mother do all of the little "extra" things? She baked - Everything.
All the traditional candies, cakes and pies. The turkey dinner with ALL of the
trimmings. She cooked from scratch. Christmas morning she would make
wonderful biscuits and gravy. The biscuits weren't from a can. I can't hold "a
candle" to my Mom and her endurance, Her fortitude, Her resilience.

I can't hold "a candle" to Christ Jesus. (what does hold a candle mean? an old
saying I got from my parents.

Yes we are busy, hustling and bustling about -- Because we want to have the
perfect Christmas. Have the perfect Lord of our house, Christ Jesus. As we test
ourselves during this season, we will find lots of love, and God would like that.

We return to Him with Thanksgiving. Thankful we are able to hustle and bustle about. Yes, buying is part of gift giving. Spending on a needy child, my department adopted two children to give gifts to. We are giving out of love for one another. I Love God, I Love Christmas, I love my family. -- Because He Once Loved Me. To God be the Glory.

Hiding Your Words in my Heart said...

Donna - I love that you have shown how doing all of the Christmas extras can be done in celebration of God's best gift to us! Some people seem to have the ability to accomplish the picture-perfect Christmas AND keep their eyes on the Child of Christmaa. Thanks for sharing the joy in your celebration!

donna said...

Janice, I know you have honest and sincere warmth, care and concern. You are the perfect child of Christ and I know you will be the perfect Hostess. Your ability to bring laughter into your home and with your relationships with others brings joy. Have a Very "Merry" Christmas! I had hoped I could catch you for a quick glass of wine, but guess we are running out of time. The sun is supposed to shine today. If you get an "extra" minute and an "extra" bit of energy call me and we can meet at Johnny Corinos for "wine" down Wednesday. Love you, and I SO enjoy your blog. Starting these days with you blog has brought me many
successful feelings of love and joy.