Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 4 - Week 68 - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray constantly."

This is one of those days where faith is tested...when you see if your faith truly makes a difference in the way you handle things.  We all face days like this, and they can be comprised of circumstances as varied as can be imagined.  But when the rubber meets the road, when we are faced with a dilemma, a choice, an avenue to be taken...does our faith in God make a difference?  I am praying today that mine does, and that it can be evident that it does. I am praying for Godly wisdom in how I handle the issues of today.  I am praying that in all ways that I exude His Spirit.  I am praying that I recognize God's need to keep me humble, to not be afraid of admitting failure or the consequences of such admission.

I can see some reading this thinking, "What is going on in Janice's life?"  It is nothing earth-shattering, it is just one of those things that happen at times, something that didn't go as planned and that you have to reflect on and see what part you played in the ball being dropped.  But it IS a time to be handled with prayer...and not resolved within my own thinking, my own attitudes or my own ways...Satan can certainly use opportunities like this to allow us to be self-promoting, manipulative and hurtful.

"Pray constantly."  Right now, I'm praying that I will continue to pray through this day.  That with every conversation, every discussion, I will stop and ask God's Spirit to direct me.  That His wisdom will guide me to find good solutions to this "problem of the day."  For today's problem is not something that is dire, or life-altering.  It is just difficult.  And we all have difficult issues that we face all the time.  My admonition to you, and to me, is that we never face them without asking for God's incredible power to be with us.

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