Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 3 - Week 70 - Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift."

"Of the things which I have spoken unto you these many years, this is the sum.  Within the circle of these word (Ephesians 2:8) my theology is contained, so far as it refers to the salvation of men."  Charles Spurgeon

The theology of Christianity is, in all essence, a fairly simple one.  So simple, in fact, that some people just can't believe that subjects as seemingly complex as God, eternity, the meaning of life, and the idea of the gift of salvation, can be viewed in a manner that even a child can start to understand.  That the truths that we need to start our journey of faith can be viewed by looking at the night sky, the wonders of nature, the birth of a child (Romans 1). 

Spurgeon states that his theology was thoroughly contained in Ephesians 2:8...that God's gift of salvation is given to mankind as a gift, unearned, unmerited and attained solely through faith in Him.  If we believe this, then we have the foundation for a faith that will be built on through the remaining days of our lives and will allow us to live those days in a joyful, prayerful, thankful (rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything) existence, knowing that we have been redeemed and restored to relationship with God our Father and that we will remain in that relationship as long as we keep our faith in Him alive.  And this redemption and relationship is nothing that is attained, nothing that we work for, nothing that we may have one day and the next day, due to our poor performance of the previous day, be in danger of losing.  Faith in God brings to us God's gift of salvation, because He loves us.

If we couple this verse with John 3:16 what a powerful theological statement they make...

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.  For by grace you are saved, and this is not of yourselves; it is God's gift.

Now we can try to complicate it, but the way I read it is that God wants us to know that He's so very ready to accept us when we acknowledge Him and the tremendous gift He has extended to us.

Christ came, He died and rose again.  He told those around Him who He was and why He had come to the earth...they believed...and in spite of persecution and eventual martyrdom, they discipled others...they too believed...the community of believers grew...they became known as Christians.  Throughout the ages others believed.  God's plan was at work, has been at work and is still at work.  People still believe, and others still continue to come to belief. 

Yes, every day throughout this crazy world of ours, God's gift continues to be discovered.  Salvation has come!  And it has not come because of me, or because of you, but because of God's love manifested through Jesus is God's gift.

1 comment:

donna said...

God's gift - it is in God's power and His love that we are saved. We are saved from evil and given truth and eternal life. We are God's creation, and He gave us free will - to learn and seek Him. We are united with all those that believe in Jesus Christ. God's Grace - His gift to me.