Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 4 - Week 71 - Ephesians 2:9 "Not from works, so that no one can boast."

So what do you think you deserve?  I mean, you've been a pretty good person, right?  When you come to the end of your earthly road, what do you think should be waiting for you?

If you think that when your final breath is drawn and you appear before the holiness of God that you will have anything to bring before Him that has been accomplished within your own power and ability that even begins to appear of value, you are mistaken.  Our worthiest of deeds falls so very, very short of God's complete perfection and holiness...so if you even start to boast that you may be in a better position than someone that you are comparing yourself to, think again!  You're both in a pitiful state!

But, take heart!  We don't have to panic thinking that we will have to stand before our Father trying to explain away our unworthiness...citing all the reasons that we did not attain the high level of accomplishment that we could have had we just kept focused, avoided all errors in judgment, kept on God's path 100% of the time, and never, never participated in anything that was driven by selfishness, ego, or pride. 

No, we are told that it is not our works that will bring us salvation, nor is it our lack of works that will cost us our salvation.  No - our salvation has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with God.  It is through Him, through the salvation offered through Jesus Christ, and bestowed to us through our faith in this offering.

So get over yourself...and if even a hint of boasting starts to come out of your mouth, think again. 

Holy?  Not even close.  Perfect?  Far from it. 

Forgiven?  Absolutely. 

Grace.  It's a beautiful thing. 

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